Phone: 08456800225

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

We all need support during bereavement

Bereavement is one of the most devastating experiences we can face.  Even the long-expected passing of our parents can leave us feeling raw and empty.

That’s why Nobilis has produced an article offering advice and guidance on getting through this challenging period.  It helps you understand the effect of bereavement and suggests strategies for coping as well as places to turn for support.

You can read the article by clicking on this link:

You can also find many other useful articles on elderly care at our website,

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Dementia – Caring for those who Care

Dementia presents huge challenges to those who care for loved ones.  That’s why Nobilis has produced an article specially for those in this difficult position.  It explains what you need to think about in terms of helping both the person suffering dementia as well as yourself – because if you don’t look after yourself, everyone suffers!

·         Where you can find helpful resources
·         How to protect your loved one from risks
·         How to control many of the problems associated with dementia
·         What to do about finances

You can read the article by clicking on this link:

You can also find many other useful articles on elderly care at our website,

Do you know what to do when someone dies?

No one likes to think about it, but we will all face the time when a loved one dies.

In such a distressing period, the last thing we want to deal with is bureaucracy, but unfortunately there is much which needs to be done when someone passes away.

That’s why Nobilis has put together a helpful article which takes you through the essentials, including clear checklists of who needs to be notified and what you will need to do.  You are welcome to print this article out and file it with the important paperwork you will need in the event of someone’s death.

You can read this article here:

You can also find many other useful articles on elderly care at our website,

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Future of Elderly Day Care – Building Your Client Base

An ageing society creates ever greater needs for day care services.  The elderly and infirm increasingly feel trapped in their homes and numerous reports point out the need for increased action to ensure these people are not excluded from society.
Day care providers are therefore in the perfect position not only to help create a stronger, more socially responsible community, but also to build their business by meeting this growing need.  Yet many potential clients are currently shut out from day care because of the difficulties posed by transport.
This is why Nobilis in-home care has devised an innovative service to enable a whole new section of the elderly community to access day care, improving life for them and creating new business opportunities for day care providers.
The Nobilis Difference
Nobilis offers high-quality in-home care services across Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex.  We offer exceptional levels of personally tailored care to enable the elderly and infirm to remain independent in their own homes.  Our fundamental ethos is that caring is not simply a job.  This is why a vital area of our work is creating constructive working partnerships with other businesses which provide services to the elderly.
We aim to operate as a hub, uniting care professionals across the region and offering easy access for our own clients to reliable service providers through our Trusted Partners Scheme.  We believe it is possible for businesses to thrive even in tough times by working together to improve the lives of the elderly whilst maximising opportunities for growth.
This is why we are proud to offer a new approach to day care.
Nobilis Enhanced Package
Our research shows many elderly people would like to benefit from day care.  It’s stimulating, sociable and promotes better health, both physically and mentally.  However, many cannot attend day care because of mobility problems.
The Nobilis Enhanced Package removes this obstacle.  Working with day care providers we will offer a convenient and affordable service:
·         One hour’s care and support at the client’s home, getting them out of bed, washed and dressed and providing a suitable breakfast.  The tailored nature of Nobilis care means any other needs specific to that client will be catered for – even  ‘hanging  the washing on the line’.
·         Safe and comfortable transport to the day care provider.
·         An enjoyable day of activity, stimulation and social interaction through the day care provider’s programme.
·         Transport from day care back to the client’s home.
·         A further hour of care and support to ensure the client receives what they need, be it shopping ,  general domestic help or merely being settled for the night, rounding off a positive and rewarding day.
With our Enhanced Package, the day care market is opened up to an entirely new spectrum of clients who are likely to remain with us for the long term.
The clients’ lives are improved considerably, their families are reassured by the care they receive throughout an entire day and day care providers will benefit from new business.  This is the new model we are working towards in the care industry, providing sensitive care which benefits everyone.  In whatever capacity, we hope you would like to join us in this mission, because together we really can make things better – for the individual, their families and the community as a whole.
Call Nobilis now on 08456800225 to explore how your business can open up new markets.
Nobilis – Caring to Make a Difference

How do you cope after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s disease is a serious condition, but there’s plenty to be done in order to make things better if you or a loved one have been diagnosed.

In a new article from Nobilis you can learn:

·         How to cope with the trauma of diagnosis
·         Where to find help
·         Diet guidelines for Parkinson’s
·         How to plan your support
·         Which benefits may be available

You can read the article by clicking on this link:

You can also find many other useful articles on elderly care at our website,

Friday, 3 February 2012

AgeUK blog on the future of care homes.

An interesting AgeUK blog yesterday on the future of care homes ( where they talk about the isolation of care at home.  We believe that social activities are essential, and yet a lot of care provided by local authorities and other care companies is focussed only on the bare minimum of personal care.  We are in the process of building relationships with several residential providers to provide a package of day care (in light of council cutbacks to funded daycare), so we provide the service to get our clients up and ready for the day and provide transport them to the care home and the reverse at the end of the days.  We hope that these sorts of services provide both indepedence and comfort of home with social activites and community.  More details to follow...

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Mobility scooters can be fatal – learn how to choose the right one

Mobility scooters provide vital independence for the elderly and infirm but every year there are thousands of accidents and occasionally even fatalities caused by scooters.  Often this is because the driver has bought a scooter which is not appropriate for their needs and abilities.

In this article from Nobilis you can learn how to choose the right mobility scooter for an elderly person.  Find out:

·         Where you should go to buy your scooter
·         What to consider when making your choice
·         The benefits and pitfalls of buying new, second hand and renting
·         What to consider after buying your scooter

You can read the article by clicking on this link:

You can also find many other useful articles on elderly care at our website,

Thursday, 19 January 2012

I miss the "star rating" system from CQC

We were somewhat surprised to recieve an unannounced inspection from CQC on 22rd December, just at a busy time for carers and a reduced manning at the office, but well done to everone who made the inspector very welcome and showed great professionalism. 

I must admit that the CQC inspector was a lovely lady and very professional as well, so did not approach the inspection in a threatening or aggressive manner which was great.  The team was able to furnish her with all the information she required (as we are totally electronic here we dont have paper files so we had to "pull" information on request from our CRM system and data vault).

I am happy to report that I have now recieved the draft report back, and in all quality standards Nobilis has been assessed as "Compliant", with no concerns raised.  I will put the finalised report on our web site once CQC have confirmed the draft.  But here is the issue for me. ...

"Compliant" simply says we are not causing concerns.  But surely, that is a very wide band, and fails to differentiate between the simply competent agencies and those that are truely excelling.  I know that the star system was not perfect, but from a public perspective it at least gave some indication about quality.  Removing the star system without a replacement is leaving agencies without an independant assessment of quality.  The proposal to outsource the quality system a la restraunt "Michelin stars" had its problems, but is not as daft as a crowd-sourced (unverifiable) "Trip advisor" model.

Now that both the "Michelin" and "Trip Advisor" models seem to have been kicked into the long grass, does anyone know what else is being considered, or perhaps more importantly a time scale?  It looks like the care industry is heading for YEARS without any quality measures, just at the time when many agencies have finally made the mental leap to a retail-model and are focussing on private-clients and direct payment clients. 

Could we not turn back on CQC stars at least until somethink more permenant is in place?

There are many options after suffering a stroke

Strokes leave most people with some form of debilitation.  This in itself can lead to even more problems through the psychological impact of disability.
Fortunately there is a wide range of help and support on offer and in this article from Nobilis you will learn about:

·         What the NHS offers to stroke victims
·         The support provided by charities
·         Private rehabilitation options, offering treatments not available on the NHS
·         Routes to independent living through in-home care

You can read the article by clicking on this link:

A lovely card from a client's family

You may be aware that Nobilis specialises in a number of areas, one of which is end of life care.

I have today recieved a lovely card from a client's family which makes the whole team feel valued in the face of quite saddening circumstances:

Mum and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of your team, who cared so wonderfully for my father.  I know that without your conscientious and compassionate carers, Dad's last three months would not have been bearable.  They were a team to be proud of, so thank you so very much. 
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