Home care services are increasingly used by the elderly and infirm to help maintain their independence and ensure wellbeing and security within their own home.
When you feel you may be in need of such services the question of funding is one of the first concerns. It is possible you may be able to receive help from your local authority, but this will depend on both your needs and personal finances. There are also several options for how such help could be offered.
Local Authority Care Assessment:
The starting point for assistance from social services is the community care assessment. This is completely free and confidential. Importantly, your local authority is obliged to carry out this assessment regardless of your financial circumstances.
The care assessment is generally conducted by a social worker who will visit your home to assess your needs. This is not about carrying out lots of tests or invading your privacy; rather it involves listening to your views and wishes, learning about your day-to-day life and assessing how the council could help.
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